HP 771 глава за принер Мастиленоструен

HP 771 Photo Black/Light Gray Designjet Printhead
HP 771 Photo Black/Light Grey Designjet Printhead delivers the high quality that's expected and meets fast turnaround times. HP Designjet printheads help you respond quickly by providing quality, speed and easy, hassle-free printing.
Print a wide range of applications from line drawings to photo-quality POP displays. Achieve photo image quality at fast print speeds and impress customers with your responsiveness.
Keep your printing running smoothly with HP Designjet printheads. Avoid downtime and interruptions with HP printheads designed for reliable, hassle-free operation.
Receive alerts when printheads need to be replaced. Save time - replacing a printhead is quick and easy. Built in intelligent technology maximises printhead usage life, so you experience fewer interruptions.
HP 771, HP DesignJet Z6200 Photo Printer series, Мастиленоструен, Фото черно, Светлосив, CE020A, Сингапур, 28 мм
HP 771. Съвместимост: HP DesignJet Z6200 Photo Printer series, Технология на печат: Мастиленоструен, Цветове на печат: Фото черно, Светлосив. Ширина: 28 мм, Дълбочина: 143 мм, Височина: 132 мм. Размери на опаковката (Ш/Д/В): 28 x 143 x 132 мм, Ширина на опаковката: 28 мм, Дълбочина на опаковката: 143 мм. Брой кутии в палет: 80 броя, Брой в палет: 1920 броя, Тегло на палета: 248 г. Размери (ШхДхВ): 28 x 143 x 132 мм, Брой в кутия: 1 броя