HP Latex 335 बड़े फ़ॉर्मेट प्रिंटर वाई-फाई Latex printing रंग 1200 x 1200 DPI इथरनेट LAN
Latex printing, 1200 x 1200dpi, WiFi, USB
Work two times faster with an efficient, end-to-end solution that lets you print AND cut at the same time vs a print OR cut solvent workflow. Save up to 50% of the time[1] with a complete HP solution that is designed to work as one.
HP Latex 335, Latex printing, 1200 x 1200 DPI, काला, हरिनील, मैजेंटा, पीला, 1200 x 1200 DPI, 0,2%, 0.05 mm
HP Latex 335. मुद्रण तकनीक: Latex printing, अधिकतम रेसोल्यूशन: 1200 x 1200 DPI, मुद्रण रंग: काला, हरिनील, मैजेंटा, पीला. यथार्थता: 0,2%. मीडिया की मोटाई: 0.05 mm, रोल का अधिकतम व्यास: 25 cm, मीडिया चौड़ाई (रोल): 1625 mm. ईथरनेट इंटरफ़ेस का प्रकार: Gigabit Ethernet, इथरनेट लैन डाटा की दरें: 10,100,1000 Mbit/सेकंड. उत्पाद का रंग: काला, ध्वनि शक्ति का स्तर (स्टैंडबाय): 39 dB, ध्वनि दाब का स्तर (मुद्रण): 55 dB
- - Take advantage of HP Latex technology to print more applications. Ensure accurate, high-speed cutting. Experience an optimized workflow that includes barcode integration and easy management. Simplify the design process with HP Signage Suite.<sup>[2]</sup>
- - Save up to 50% of the time<sup>[1]</sup> with a solution that prints and cuts at the same time vs. the print OR cut workflow and degas time of solvent. Prints come out dry for same-day delivery. Scratch-resistance enables unlaminated short-term applications.<sup>[4]</sup>
- - Print and cut in just 5 simple steps with the easy-to-navigate user interface. See efficient job recognition and reliable cutting. And enjoy the convenience of a complete HP solution designed to work as one, compared to more complex dual devices.