HP 125A 3-pack Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Original LaserJet Toner Cartridges

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10 Feb 2025, 11:15:45
Dugačko ime proizvoda HP 125A 3-pack Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Original LaserJet Toner Cartridges:

HP 125A 3-pack Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Original LaserJet Toner Cartridges with ColorSphere Toner

HP 125A 3-pack Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Original LaserJet Toner Cartridges:

HP 125A LaserJet Toner Cartridges let you print more and save more without sacrificing the reliable, trouble-free printing of Original HP. Tri-packs – designed for higher-volume, photo-quality business printing – are a convenient, high-value option.

Save time and money with a convenient pack of three colour HP LaserJet Print Cartridges – one each of cyan, magenta and yellow – for higher-volume colour printing environments. Get the same trouble-free, photo-quality printing at a lower price.

HP ColorSphere toner produces sharp blacks and a dynamic range of bright, brilliant colours. And with reliable HP LaserJet toner cartridge technology, photo-quality business printing is fast, simple and hassle-free.

HP Smart technology[1] is finely tuned to the unique properties of HP's ColorSphere toner, enabling the toner cartridges and the printer to trigger adjustments that optimize print quality and reliability. Hassle-free results save time, provide value.

Kratak sažetak opisa HP 125A 3-pack Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Original LaserJet Toner Cartridges:

HP 125A 3-pack Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Original LaserJet Toner Cartridges, 1400 stranica, Plavo, Magenta, Žuto, 3 kom

Dugački sažetak HP 125A 3-pack Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Original LaserJet Toner Cartridges:

HP 125A 3-pack Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Original LaserJet Toner Cartridges. Broj stranica tonera u boji: 1400 stranica, Boje za ispis: Plavo, Magenta, Žuto, Količina po pakiranju: 3 kom

This HP product is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship.This HP product is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship. Thisdoes not apply to products that (a) have been refilled, refurbished, remanufactured or tampered with in any way, (b) experience problems resulting from misuse, improper storage, or operation outside of the published environmental specifications for the printer product or (c) exhibit wear from ordinary use. To obtainservice, please return the product to place of purchase (with a written description of the problem and print samples) or contact HP customer support. At HP’s option, HP will either replace products that prove to be defective or refund your purchase price. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LOCAL LAW, THE ABOVE WARRANT Y IS EXCLUSIVE AND NO OTHEROR CONDITION, WHETHER WRITTEN OR ORAL, IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AND HP SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LOCAL LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL HP OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING LOST PROFIT OR DATA), OR OTHER DAMAGE, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE. THETERMS CONTAINED IN THIS STATEMENT, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT LAWFULLY PERMITTED, DO NOT EXCLUDE, RESTRICT OR MODIFY AND ARE IN ADDITION TO THE MANDATORY STATUTORY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO THE SALE OF THIS PRODUCT TO YOU.
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