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Axis 282 Bare Board Video servere/codificatoare video

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Info modificare:
21 Oct 2022, 10:14:32
Short summary description Axis 282 Bare Board Video servere/codificatoare video:

Axis 282 Bare Board Video, 25 fps, 17 fps, ETRAX 100LX 32bit, 8 Mega bites, 768 x 576 Pixel, Pentium III 500 MHz

Long summary description Axis 282 Bare Board Video servere/codificatoare video:

Axis 282 Bare Board Video. Motion JPEG frame rata de: 25 fps, Frecvența cadrelor MPEG-4: 17 fps. Procesor încorporat: ETRAX 100LX 32bit, Memorie volatilă: 8 Mega bites, Rezoluţie: 768 x 576 Pixel. Protocoale de reţea acceptate: HTTP, HTTPS, SSL/TLS, TCP, SNMPv1/v2cv/v3 (MIB-II), RTSP, RTP, UDP, IGMP, RTCP, SMTP, FTP, DHCP,.... Consum de energie (tipic): 8 W, Cerinţe de energie: DC 8 - 20 V. Dimensiuni(LxAxI): 79 x 82 x 19 milimetri, Greutate: 60 g

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